By Ezra Caber & Patricia Fontejon

The Granada Hills Charter (GHC) Boys Volleyball team is off to a bright start with an overall record of 12-8 and a league record of 3-1, as of April 1. The team has already shown improvement since the beginning of the season and is on track to make a strong playoff run.

One of the factors helping the team to succeed is their strong offense. The boys have been working hard on their hitting and setting skills, ultimately contributing to a powerful and effective offensive game. The team’s ability to rally and score points quickly has been a major advantage in their matches.

“I’m trying to put the student in student-athlete,” senior Jasper Jung said. “Volleyball is more of a team sport, so we plan to be on the same page and cooperate together.”

Defensively, the team has also been performing well. The boys have been working on their blocking and digging skills, leading to fewer points scored by their opponents.

Their defense has been crucial in their close matches, allowing them to come out on top in tight situations.

“I’m optimistic because we have a lot of experienced players who work hard every day to improve their game,” Volleyball Head Coach Thomas Harp said. “We play in the tough West Valley League so staying motivated is easy. Almost every League match is a rivalry game.”

The team started off with a 3-0 win against Grant High School, followed by a win against Hart High School. Although they lost four games during the pre-season, they have gone into the league season strong as shown by their 12 wins.

The team chemistry has been another highlight of the season. The players have developed a strong bond both on and off the court, which has translated into better communication and coordination during games. The team works together not just on the court, they also continue to build connections by working out together, which also helps maximize their efficiency when playing.

The team captains are very focused on keeping their team not just efficient and successful, but also in a positive mindset.

“I try to unify the team and keep them calm by encouraging them, which hopefully impacts our success positively,” senior and Captain Nate Yu said.

Last season, the boys had an overall record of 14-13 with a 5-5 league record. They are on track for an even better record this season.